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"The greatest investment you will ever make is the one you make for your future self"

What We Charge:

$1,625 / Quarter

A flat fixed fee that encompasses all services offered

What You Get:

What You'll Experience:

New Client Onboarding: 

You'll experience a customized onboarding process into the firm. We will begin to build your initial plan while simultaneously focusing our efforts  on your most pressing financial issues. 

Our initial plan is comprehensive in nature.  Here is the checklist we use for all new clients as we onboard them into the firm.  


Ongoing Relationship:

We have a customized service process we take our clients through each year.  It's how we're able to proactively deliver advice and guidance within the areas that affect them most. 

We actively communicate, reach-out, and act as a steward of your concerns, ongoing.

We believe financial planning is a process and not an event. You won't experience a 2 hour "annual meeting", where a bunch of reports and financial jargon are thrown at you, followed by a handshake and a "we'll see you next year".


Still Not Sure We're The Right Fit?

Take advantage of our Free Consultation. It's a our way we get to show you how we can deliver tremendous value, before you pay us a cent!

Complimentary Consultation

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