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Planning - Guidance - Advice

Aligning Your Prosperity With Your Life's Vision

What I Do for Clients

I serve as their trusted planning partner and personal CFO. I take the stress and complexity out of money and retirement so they can live significantly more fulfilling lives.

Who I Serve

Mid-Career Professionals & Pre-Retirees

I specialize in working with families who are in their mid-career or pre-retiree stage of life. I understand better than most the opportunities and challenges these life stages present when pursing one's financial goals.

Retirement Focused

My services and expertise are tailored to serving those who have a goal of future retirement. Specifically those who want to retire in their 50's & 60's.

Looking For A Trusted Advisor Partnership

Clients of my firm understand that the success and wellbeing of their financial future is too important to be planned for alone. They understand the value of expert advice and guidance. They value their time and understand the benefit of professional delegation.

Aged 50+

I do my best work for individuals that are aged 50+.

What’s Included

Financial Planning Rochester, MN PharmD Financial Planning, LLC

Modern Retirement Planning

I help you answer THE big questions:

1.) What do we want to create/experience?

2.) How much do we need and what is considered enough?

3.) In the long-run, will we be ok?

We’ll provide unbiased advice and guidance that will help you maximize the effectiveness of your retirement transition from beginning to end. 

Investment Management Rochester, MN PharmD Financial Planning, LLC

Proactive Tax Planning

What do almost 100% of people hate? Paying more than they're required too in taxes! Proactive tax planning is critical. (Click here to learn why Tax Planning Matters!)Taxes may end out becoming your biggest future expense, even in retirement.

I work diligently to help clients minimize their lifetime tax bill. A few areas we  focus on include:

  • Annual Tax Return Analysis
  • Annual Roth Conversions
  • Asset Location Efficiencies
  • Income Coordination and Timing Strategies

Our goal is to help our clients take advantage of every tax opportunity in this ever-changing tax law environment.

Ongoing Relationship Rochester, MN PharmD Financial Planning, LLC

Evidence-Based Investment Management

I believe in evidence-based investment management. If you choose to include investment management in our engagement together, we’ll determine a strategy based on your risk tolerance, income needs, and your long-term investment goals. Our philosophy is to provide low cost, high quality, and globally diversified investment portfolios. Making decisions based on fact rather than prognostication will enhance your chances of future investment success.

Risk Management

Our Risk Management work includes evaluating your current insurance policies and future coverage needs. Many people believe estate and long-term care planning are essential. It is critical that your current insurance offerings fit within your present-value needs and are utilized to protect future estate tax and long-term care costs. And no, long-term care planning doesn't immediately mean you need long-term care insurance.

Income & Estate Planning

We help implement an income plan that focuses on social security strategies, pensions, RMD's, rental income, and more. Many planning decisions will need to be made regarding these potential income sources. We will help you coordinate the timing and taxation of these income sources to maximize their value and net payout. Making sure these income sources work efficiently alongside your other financial resources will be critical in the pursuit of your long-term financial goals.

Ongoing Relationship

Real financial planning is an ongoing endeavor. We’ll regularly review your progress throughout the year and adjust your strategy as your life evolves. We’ll also be here as your go-to resource to talk through any financial events or decisions that arise. You'll never have to worry about making big financial decisions alone. We believe that financial planning is a process and not an event. That means we'll provide you with proactive planning year-round. You will also be given access to your own online client portal and our weekly client email, PharmD Weekly.

Our Mission Statement

Helping clients create wildly successful retirements. 

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