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fiduciary level planning FOR ALL OF YOUR Retirement NEEDS

Don't Give Up Investment Control If You Don't Want To!

Does this sound familiar?

You've spent your life saving, investing, and preparing for retirement. You've reached a point where having a trusted financial planner would be beneficial. Still, you want to keep your investment management control. So where can you go for help? 

At PharmD Financial Planning, we don't require our clients to utilize our investment management services if they manage it on their own. Our flat fee, entirely fiduciary service model ensures we can work with our clients without transferring control of their investment portfolios.

Schedule your complimentary consultation below to learn how to retain control of your investment portfolio while having a trusted Certified Financial Plannerâ„¢ by your side to help with everything else. 

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Here

Or call the office at 507-200-0233

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